SCRIPTURE: “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34 ESV

Ever been so anxious you couldn’t sleep or think straight! Ever worried so much you couldn’t eat? Sometimes we wrap ourselves with worries and fears of the unknown. We set goals with fears of not obtaining them. When we should be resting, our minds are racing. We know we should slow down and pace ourselves, but we don’t.

Sometimes our ambitions and desires are far ahead of us, yet today is all we need to worry about. And even for today God has graced us to overcome our barriers. Scripture tells us not to worry about tomorrow! Conquer one day at a time. 

Could it be that we have forgotten to go at God’s pace! Unfortunately, we somehow forget the outcome belongs to God anyways. Why stress over something we have no control over? And why not trust that He is working everything for our good!

We can rest in the sovereignty of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We can rest knowing that he has overcome the world including the struggles of today and tomorrow. Nothing comes as a surprise to Him, so rest in Him! He loves you!

PRAYER: Dear God, teach my heart to trust you moment by moment and day by day. Help me to slow down and cast my cats on you. Teach me your ways that I may not be anxious but filled with faith in you! I I commit today, tomorrow, and all my days to you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

REMEMBER: Trials come for the building up of faith and not fear!