Silas and I got on a flight to Baltimore, MD for my brother’s wedding. We witnessed someone getting kicked off the plane for the first time due to the mask not being fully worn. At first I was like is this really happening!? But it sure did happen!

Let’s recap the story and then I’ll share what I learned! So, Silas and I are sitting in our seats in the back. The flight attendant calls out this Caucasian man for not wearing his mask fully or allowing his nose to be exposed. He starts arguing with the flight attendant and they are going back and forth for about 3 minutes. It just kept getting louder and louder. I was thinking to myself the pride too much on this one. Then this black lady comes in who also works with Southwest airlines and then he gets even louder and his neighbor joins him. Next thing I know both of them are getting kicked off the plane. What made it all more interesting was the instigator. Some girl from the front seat stands up, turns around and starts clapping her hands taunting the man clapping saying, “well done. Great job”! I was like oh I should be recording this but somehow it all ended pretty fast.

Now, as I watched I thought both guys were drenched in pride! Scripture says, Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 The fall was hard. They probably didn’t get to their destination. They embarrassed themselves and they may be banned from that airline. The scenario could have been completely different had humility and wisdom been applied.

I was thinking about our lives and how in certain situations we may be perceived as prideful but there are opportunities for us to change the course. We can either choose to be defensive, argumentative or kind, gentle and apologetic. I saw how pride is so disgusting and appalling. I also saw the benefit of having a good person beside you to prevent you from falling. If the person he was sitting next to told him to calm down or encouraged him be kind, He would have stayed on the plane. If the guy said, “I am sorry and I’ll take your other mask since mine keeps falling off” everything would probably have been fine. A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1 ESV He chose the harsh word and well we saw scripture lived out!

Oh how humility will take us further in life. Humility may not feel good! We may not feel we are defending ourselves. Others may feel we are less than. But we are free in Christ to live in the knowledge that our self worth and identity is not wrapped up in others opinions. Thus we can govern our emotions and choose to kill the flesh. We don’t have to be loud and rude. We can just do what’s needed.

Lastly, I did want to point out how the instigator reminded me of the enemy for a second. The enemy will sit there watching you and clapping for your distraction. Just taunting you. Nothing she said helped their situation. At the end of all that I just was reminded to walk in wisdom and humility. Pride is not cute and will not take us far in life!

The trip got even more interesting, but maybe I’ll share another time.

Pray for a successful Wedding ❤️✌️