It’s been 1 whole year! How amazing! God’s been so faithful! Around this time last year I had covid-19. God slowed me down enough and locked me in a room with my husband for some weeks. During that time, we had enough time to create this website ushering me from disobedience to obedience! It’s been a journey for this shy girl! I’ve learned alot about myself and God by doing this.

Here’s 7 major things I’ve learned!

Don’t force growth

Everyone wants to see something they do produce a harvest, but sometimes it’s important to learn to cultivate your small garden. God alone will bring the increase. Our culture teaches us that being bigger is better. Flashy is better. Faster is better. But sometimes simplicity and steady growth in Christ allows for a sure foundation in him. My ambitions and motives have been tested though I know He is not done. A lot of people compromise their faith and the truth of Christ for numbers, elevation, and fame, but I don’t want to! Pray over me!

Humility is everything

Be ok with being the least among others. I learned walk in the knowledge of who God is and who I am or am not. I don’t have to operate in fear or my insecurities, but rather the assurance of who I am in Christ! I’ve learned amongst other social media bloggers and just in life that everyone is important. No one is more important than another. Larger platforms and numbers don’t equal better, wiser, God appointed, and more Godly. Smaller platforms don’t mean less depth, not God appointed, or just be discarded. Our standard of “good” comes from God. Is it Spirit filled, biblical, or filled with the love of Christ even though it could be culturally controversial. Is it worldly and flesh centered?

Content comes from spending more time with God

Can I share a fear I had? How in the world God am I going to keep writing things weekly? Hats off to pastor’s! But then God was like trust me! And then I was like, “Esther! You will never run out of learning something new about God!” I sometimes skipped weeks because I didn’t want to write to check-off the box rushing the content to seem consistent for others! I wanted to share out of my daily walks! I wanted to share my relationship and heart.

Do it for the Lord and not for man

I remember the enemy saying if you speak a little less about Jesus you could be further along. More likes. More followers. If you do what others do, you’ll go much further, but one can only do what God says you should! No matter how you are perceived by man (i.e no likes, few followers, few shared), just be pure. We serve God and not man. No matter what we do, we do it to represent God. I chose to keep God the main thing and strive to see things from His perspective.

Be Consistent. Don’t let the flesh rule

I will sometimes start things and not finish them, so this was a great spiritual discipline exercise for me! You subscribers are more like my accountability partners! Sometimes I’ll not want to write or I’ll be slack simply due to my flesh. Laziness can kill a thing. Sometimes discouragement (emotions) got the best of me, but obviously they don’t win. I feel God could have amazing opportunities but are we consistent enough to find out. I have no idea where all of this blog life will end up, but I do know people have been encouraged in the journey!

Obedience over numbers & likes

Seeing people encouraged has been such a blessing! So many private messages and emails filled with gratitude remind me that numbers and likes don’t speak to impact. People are watching and reading. The unseen seeds belong to God. The impact is God’s to make and take. We just need to be obedient!

Don’t build a platform you cannot share

You don’t have all the answers! You alone are not all that! Lol! Our platforms are God’s and not ours. God will do what He wants with what He establishes if we just step aside. He’s letting us share His content! If we can remember that, then we won’t be so rigged or afraid of others stealing our so called shine. If God gives instructions to share your space, just do it.

Whelp! That’s it guys! Happy 1st Blog Birthday🎉 THANKS for walking alongside me!