Yup that’s right! I am moving. We are moving! My list of to do’s is forever long! I don’t even know where my mind is half the time, but my heart is hopeful!

I am moving because God has called for a change! I have been asked, am I excited? And I really haven’t had the chance to process this question until now. The answer is I am excited because God answered our prayers. My husband and I will finally put to end years of this on/off long distance relationship status hopefully for good! At least that’s what I believe! I am excited about establishing our home. For the first time, I’ll be a wife to my husband alone in closer proximity with no one near by to run to or distract us. Talk about bonding! This should be very interesting! And guys I finally get to use all those wedding gifts bought for us in 2018 😄!

I am excited about being still and actually just praying and studying the word more. At least that’s my prayer! I am excited about being better about paying to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. In other words, paying off these student loans to give God more! I am excited about putting more energy into this non profit my sister, I and others are establishing! (Oh yes there’s so much more to come)

However, as excited as I am, I am actually sad about leaving friends, family, church family, and coworkers! I’ll be leaving my comfort zone. But that’s life… time for a new chapter. God has works for me to do somewhere else that he has prepared for me to complete in advance! I think about it like this…. There will be new patients I need to love and assist them in their recovery. New co-workers to support, encourage and also learn from. New opportunities to be an atmosphere changer. So as sad as leaving may be, I know my leaving opens doors for others in need of the space I was in. There’s this master plan we can not see and God is orchestrating everything with me and others in mind! With that said, “Obedience matters” echoes loudly in my ears! I also am comforted in the truth that those who love us will remain with us in life!

Change won’t always feel good or mean it’s going to be easy. I expect trials but I also expect I’ll be an overcomer! Success is always mine in Christ ☺️

Pray for us! That’s all guys. As we move I’ll post as I can but this is a notice for everyone if I do not these next 3 weeks ❤️

Anyone about to start something new?!?! Or thinking to?!?

OAN: I think my parents have born me into this nomadic life. Lol 🤣