Sometimes the most challenging part isn’t accepting yes or no, but not knowing God’s why? We know God is good and faithful, but the most challenging part is accepting His will at times. We pray earnestly, making our requests known to Him, but we haven’t conditioned our hearts to fully accept any outcome other than our sure plan!

As much as we need to ask God to intervene, I truly believe one needs to ask God at the end to condition the heart for His will. Having a let your will be done, frame of mind! How much more at peace would we be if things do not go our way. 

When our plans do not develop, I know frustration, despair, or anger can arise! We can become a child having a tantrum, and God’s like you will get over this. A no just means there’s a better way. A better path! A better career. A better major! A better opportunity! And that better lies in our father’s will! I want the “better.” I want the best! 

God will come through! He will come through in fulfilling His plans and His will. We just need to get on board with His way! He’s coming through not only for our agendas but for the many attached to His will being fulfilled through you! Through us!

Jesus said, “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine. Like 22:42” Sometimes the cup of suffering remains. Sometimes things stop. The beautiful thing is that Jesus always displayed a heart after the Father’s will, no matter the price!

Join me in praying for a heart after his will! 

I hope you find these words uplifting.

More to come, so share, comment, and subscribe as I challenge my shy ways… Now let’s gist!