God tapped me on the shoulders and said, “share your opinion, won’t you?”. Several nudges from the Holy Spirit, and yet all I did after an hour of listening to others, was share maybe 5% of what I knew I should have. Was it fear, or was it my Introvert ways?

When I became a Christian, I became a new creature. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come 2 Corth. 5:17 ESV. As I looked back on the dead man, I realized somethings about my Introvert ways. Let me know if you can relate. I realized as an introvert, and we may say, “well, I am an introvert” as our reply for not being able to do something. I realized I do not hear extroverts walk around saying, “Oh, I am an extrovert” to explain their behaviors. I realized we cling to the term “introvert” and make it our identity. Every action or reaction reflected we trace to being an introvert. We are shy, and we are reserved, we like to be alone. While these things may be true in terms of personality, ultimately, they do not define us. My identity is Christ!
God has been wrecking my thinking and all my excuses. I believe I was a broken introvert operating mostly in fear. Now I may have introverted ways, but never should they dictate my behavior.  If I was honest with myself, I think I was fearful and prideful. I did not share because I was concerned about people’s views rather than obeying God’s word. I didn’t step up because I didn’t feel adequate. But these lies were all attached to the dead introvert.
God is challenging me never to allow my introvert tendencies to keep me from submitting to his will. I need to speak when he says speak and reach out when he says to reach out. I need to obey the voice of God and silence the lies. 
I realized the bondage of holding on to this term so tightly and speaking it over myself. May we encourage each other to be Bold in faith. To be quiet but never timid to speak the word. To my introverts, I challenge you to examine what motivates your behaviors. Extroverts, I challenge you to be patient and walk alongside your bold but quiet introverts. We have a lot to say, but patience, gentleness, and accountability will be needed. 

I know I feel challenged!

I hope you find these words uplifting.

More to come, so subscribe as I challenge my shy ways…